With Sami mainly in the driver's seat, the garage loft has been transformed from a to-the-ceiling jig-locked traffic jam to a very tidy open space. The loft had been kind of (for me anyway) the place to toss things if no other logical or handy place existed. With an accumulation approaching 20 years, there was no fast way to deal with it. Sami largely went through it, 'nut and bolt' at a time, organizing and grouping things. As most of it was my stuff, I went through the organized version and did, in fact, finally let go of some things. The end result is shown in the pictures. Too bad we couldn't find the 'before' versions...the transformation would be more dramatic!
Hmmm...I can set up a train table in the northwest corner. By the way, the odd colors on the old dresser are the Southern Pacific RR colors for their old 'Black Widow' paint scheme on their diesels. I also added the hand railings, so that we wouldn't fall through the big hole in the floor where the pull-down ladder is.
I'm trying to duplicate Sami's effort in the main lower garage area. I'll add an entry when it reaches a similar 'show the world' state.