Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Please Vote!

Don likes one best. Sami likes the other.
Which soap holder should we use in the tub area?
Please vote!

Green one

White one

We have been sharing a bug with one another for the last two weeks, so we have not made much progress lately. However, we are finally getting back at it. Don has got the back-splash tiles on the wall behind where the sink will be, and Sami has got the embroidery framed. We are itching to get it done now!

The Mexican tiles await grout

It is fun to finally see what it all looks like

Luke's Frame shop did a great job with the Chinese embroidery

Almost too pretty for a bathroom

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Light at the end of the tunnel?

We are now putting tile on the wall, and very soon, the floor. It's starting to look like a room now. As Sami says, it's all in the details. It's true how long details take. Today we devoted an outing to door hardware and grout.

Oops...time to practice on the guitar.
