Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Final Frontiers

We push ahead, Don with the fireplace project and Sami with the upstairs landing. Our last two big projects!

The tiles will come on a mesh backing. Although to get the exact pattern we want, Don will need to cut many of them apart. Here are samples of the colors we have chosen.
Another new skill to learn. Mortared tile removal.
A super messy job.
The naked fireplace.
One thing we like about this house is the generous about of storage it has. We have cleared out all of the linens and sewing things to refresh this bank of closets.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Big Bucks, Little Bucks

To finish up the project we have spent several big bundles of money. First we bought a new hot tub. Our old one was just worn out. We enjoyed it so much and so often, we decided to replace it.

Oliver helps cleaning out the old hot tub, to prepare for it to be taken away.

Another good sized purchase was buying tile from Pratt and Larson to re-do the living room fire place face and hearth. After that we selected a dining room set that we really like. This one is made of cherry wood. The final big project of the remodel is to have our wood floor refinished, so we have contracted with a fellow to get that done.

When we were not out shopping, Don was installing new windows in the living room and refinishing all of the mahogany trim. Sami placed the final order for the remaining Venetian blinds.

With Oliver's help we painted the living room a warm, happy golden.

A few years ago we were gifted with lovely new fireplace tool set. Over time the broom fell apart. We found it would cost a lot to have it rebuilt, so Sami bought a small Asian household broom for $2.49 and fashioned a new broom in the metal handle. Its not perfect, but it will do the job.

Don says the light at the end of the tunnel is getting mighty bright. We will be so happy to come out of the other end!