Sunday, October 16, 2016

Slow Speed

Our last post was over two months ago. Our progress slowed this summer, because we took a few little trips and had company off and on, plus it was a banner year for the garden, and that took a lot of Sami's time. Plus, Sami is neck deep in a volunteer project for Oliver's school the "Oregon Battle of the Books." A wonderful reading incentive program.

Don did solider on, dealing for almost two months with doors. Counting the screen/storm doors, there are five doors in the kitchen entryway and two in the living room going out to the deck. Most of them had layers and layers of paint. We let a professional remove it by dipping them in chemicals. After that, it wasn't just a matter or repainting them, some of them required extensive work, rebuilding and refinishing. This morning we finally made four new check marks on our tasks list. (don't ask why there are four checks for seven doors, we aren't always good at counting). It is a little hard to see all the work Don put into them, after all a door just looks pretty much like a door, but they are defiantly new and improved. 

This door to the back deck was one we did not have "dipped." Don sanded it inside and out and added new parts to the wood where it was designated. He installed new panes of glass where needed and installed a special closing mechanism to the new storm/screen door he added. The outside of the door was in such bad shape he had to paint it to make it look good. He was able to salvage the wood inside and stain it, to match the wood trim throughout the living room.

The four new check marks means that our part of the remodel is now 70% complete!

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