Wednesday, April 19, 2017

FIRE In Our Eyes!

We are bound and determined to finish the remodel (Do we hear you say... "Its about time!"). We have putzed along slowly for the last couple of months, focusing on other projects instead, but we are back at it now. There are really only three areas left to do; the living room, our bedroom, and the stairway and landing to the second floor. For the first time since we began the project we are giving our selves a deadline.... we want to be done by the end of the summer. The reason is, we have a family reunion and a 50th wedding anniversary party scheduled for Labor Day weekend So, the heat is ON.

Moving out of the living room is step one.

We are tackling the living room first. We know at least one, and perhaps all three exterior walls need to be insulated. We plan on blowing the insulation in from the inside, just like we did in the main floor bedroom. Then we will repair all the the plaster, and add new windows and window coverings, After that we will paint and do any spiffing up of furniture that is needed.

We decided we don't like our bargain dining set and hope to sell it.
Drop clothes will protect the few things left in the living room.
Almost ready to start drilling holes in the wall to prepare for insulating.

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