Slow... but we are making progress. Don spent much of the last five weeks recovering from a nasty flu. That slowed his garage cleaning down to a weak crawl. Instead we have been focused on our study. No actual remodel in there, but we have added a wardrobe, to fill-in for the big closet on the main floor that will be demolished and moved. We added new, bigger bookcases and a new computer desk for Don. All surfaces must now be cleaned and painted. Good-bye blue!
Everything we do is inspected by Simon. He does not approve of changes in his house. We are thinking of giving him cat Valium to calm him down.
Daphne, on the other hand, is fine as long as the food dish remains full and her basket is kept warm.
Have you tried the cat pheromones yet? If you try those first you have Valium as a back-up plan.